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1500+ Free Recipes, Made For You
This website is all about sharing my tried and tested recipes to you for free. I even went the extra mile by personally shooting cooking videos for your convenience. I hope that you will find both the recipes and cooking videos useful.
I am doing all these things for free because I want to help in my own little way. I always believe that being of service to others and sharing what you have without expecting anything in return is the best thing that anyone can do.
Top Filipino Dessert Recipes
It doesn’t feel right to end an incredibly satisfying meal without including absolutely delicious Filipino desserts. Try these for yourself and let me know what you think.

Cooking Videos
Although recipes might be enough, I thought of adding more spice to this food blog by introducing cooking videos. I shoot videos while I am preparing the dishes that I feature so that you will have a first-hand look on what’s going on with every recipe. I also share useful cooking tips in the videos.
I speak in Filipino (Tagalog) on most of the videos. However, this should not be an issue if you are not familiar with the language. Each step can be viewed clearly on the video and the recipes are all written in English.
Step By Step Instructions
Although recipes might be enough, I thought of adding more spice to this food blog by introducing cooking videos. I shoot videos while I am preparing the dishes that I feature so that you will have a first-hand look on what’s going on with every recipe. I also share useful cooking tips in the videos.
I speak in Filipino (Tagalog) on most of the videos. However, this should not be an issue if you are not familiar with the language. Each step can be viewed clearly on the video and the recipes are all written in English.